Research Databases
African American HeritageSearch records, books, serials, and other historical records specific to African Americans to trace your genealogy or to do research |
Ancestry Library EditionIN LIBRARY ONLY |
Biography Reference BankAccess biographical information on more than 335,000 people from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines. |
Digital Public Library of AmericaHistoric digital collections from libraries, museums, and archives across Ohio and more. The DPLA portal to photographs, maps, documents, and AV materials from across the country is a great starting place for your local history and genealogy reference. |
Fold3A premier collection of historical U.S. military records that brings to life the details of America's military veterans with stories, photos, and personal documents. |
Heritage QuestSearch census ecosrds, books, serials, and other hsitorical records to trace your genealogy. |
What's The Point?Identify flint artifacts. |
World Book TimelinesBuild and share timelines. Use your own events and images or add content and images from World Book |